Somewhat unexpectedly, my Saturday was quite social, mainly due to participating in a huge protest to do with our local hospital, and while I didn’t have a lot of packing to do, I was glad to have a couple hours Sunday morning to finish it up! The bus ride to Christchurch on Sunday went smoothly, and Monday morning I met the other three traverse folks who weren’t here for the earlier training session week before last.

Topics today were a bit varied, I quite enjoyed learning about the crevasse rescue gear and techniques that we’ll have more hands-on practice with on the ice. We did have some time with real gear, but just out on the lawn behind the office so it required a bit of imagination. The Search and Rescue (SAR) team has a trench (or maybe it’s a known crevasse?) near to Scott Base, which we’ll use for some more realistic practice, it’s called the SARchasm.

Maybe more tomorrow! I’ve spent most of my blog energy tonight figuring out how to post videos, so here’s a test clip of a more agricultural type of traverse: